HyBont – latest progress update

Bridgend County Borough Council is currently running a statutory consultation for a Hazardous Substances Consent (HSC) for the HyBont scheme which will run until 24th January 2025. Separately, the project is also the subject of a live planning application with BCBC.

Following concerns raised by the Health and Safety Executive about the tube trailers that provide moveable Hydrogen storage in HyBont`s initial HSC application, HyBont has resubmitted its HSC application which addresses HSE`s concerns.

Consultation responses received so far on the new application include a submission from the HSE in which “HSE has concluded that the risks to the surrounding population arising from the proposed operation(s) are so small that there are no significant reasons, on safety grounds, for refusing Hazardous Substances Consent.” Responses have also been submitted by the Fire Service, Highways, Shared Regulatory Services, and Natural Resources Wales raising no objections.

A spokesperson for Marubeni said: 

“Safety remains at the core of HyBont. We are committed to continuing to work with Bridgend County Borough Council, statutory consultees and the local community as we look to deliver this industry-leading facility.”